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EQUALFIN is an attractive PhD program, as it provides fully funded PhD positions in an excellent academic environment. Doctoral students receive a fellowship of an estimated €1,550 per month. In some cases, allowances of up to €100 are also paid for health term care insurance and, where applicable, a family allowance of up to €155. In fall 2024 and 2025, further increases in the basic scholarship of €100 per month are foreseen. The duration of the doctoral scholarship is generally three years and can be extended in specific cases.

Requirements for candidates:

  1. You must have a degree in economics or a closely related discipline.
  2. In accordance with the FU Economics departments’ PhD regulations of the Economics Department of the Freie Universität Berlin, candidates need to hold a Master degree* in Economics or a closely related course of study. In exceptional cases, when the first supervisor comes from the Political Science department, a MA degree in Political Science is required.
  3. Prerequisite for application is knowledge of the German language at B2 level, at the start of the fellowship.
  4. In accordance with the selection criteria of the Hans Böckler Stiftung, you should demonstrate social commitment or trade union activities.

*[If you have not yet finished the Master's program: Master's degree certificate needs to be submitted in Oct. 2024 (latest); Master's thesis needs to be submitted before July 19th latest, supervisor confirming a grade of "pass" until July 22nd]

Application process:

Key dates:

  • Information workshop on April 19, 2024 - register now
  • Deadline for full applications: 31 of May 2024
  • Communication of selection results: October 2024
  • Start of PhD fellowships: between November 2024 and February 2025

Information workshop April 19, 2024

We hold an information workshop on April 19th. Here you find the documentation.

Learn more on how to write a PhD project proposal.

Application for Scholarship deadline: 31.05.2024

Please apply with the required documents and an outline of your PhD research project by May 31, 2024 via the Hans Böckler Foundation's online application portal. Please indicate the research area and the supervisor for your research topic.

  • List of the required documents (https://www.boeckler.de/pdf/stuf_dok_bew_prom.pdf)
  • For formal questions regarding the application procedure, please contact bewerbung(at)boeckler.de.
  • For content-related questions to the program, please contact the EQUALFIN speakers.
  • You might also contact EQUALFIN professoral members as potential supervisors for questions related to your PhD project outline before the deadline
  • You will find here the call for applications for doctoral scholarships.
  • Information about the selection results: mid October 2024
  • Start of scholarship: between November 2024 and February 2025

Call for Application

Find here the call for applications for doctoral scholarships.

technischer Hinweis für das Hochladen Ihrer Bewerbung im Portal der Böckler-Stiftung:

Sie benötigen für Ihre Bewerbung bei EQUALFIN (bitte unbedingt an gegebener Stelle angeben!) ja kein Gutachten. Es kann aber sein, dass Sie trotzdem im weiteren Verlauf nach einem solchen gefragt werden. In diesem Fall klicken Sie bitte an, dass Sie das Gutachten selbst hochladen möchten; dann sollte es keine weiteren Probleme geben.

Im anderen Fall wenden Sie sich bitte an die Person, die Ihre Betreuung zugesagt hat, oder an die Sprecherinnen von EQUALFIN.

Optional Feedback before application: 25.04.2024

In order to allow for feedback on your proposal before May 31st, we try to support a good match between your research idea and potential supervisors. In case you are interested, please send a one-page proposal until Thursday, April 25, midnight with the content below to elena.pachon@fu-berlin.de:

  • Research Focus
  • Equalfin research area (1, 2, 3 or 4?) and potential supervisors
  • Research question
  • Preliminary ideas for theoretical approaches, method of analysis, available data
  • your academic education